Item number LX-005

Questions/comments about the product

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The new Lucx “Marten” fishing tent is set up in seconds and offers enough space for 2 people+ accessories. In addition to the characteristic of the quick set up and dismantling time of the tent, the height of the fishing tent at 1.70 m is also worth highlighting. This makes it higher than most fishing tents on the market. The two very large windows at the front and back (including mosquito net) provide perfect air circulation. Thanks to the aluminium construction, this tent is very light at only 6.2 kg, yet very robust and therefore suitable in any wind and weather. With a pack size below 1.20m, it is also very space-saving and fits in any vehicle.

The Lucx “Marten” fishing tent has the following features:

  • very fast, simple, smooth set-up and dismantling
  • large door and large windows (including mosquito net) for even more comfort and brightness
  • excellent air circulation
  • The door and window can be completely darkened or half opened with the help of a roller blind
  • ultralight and very robust 4-frame aluminum frame construction
  • removable groundsheet, can be used as a 1 or 2 man tent with Velcro fastener
  • 1 PVC cling film for the window in the entrance area, for heavy rainy days
  • wind, snow and water resistant thanks to coated outer material
  • Outer material is very easy to clean
  • a carrying bag allows for convenient and convenient transport
  • 12 high-quality tent pegs ensure a secure hold of the tent, thanks to the “thread system”, these tent pegs can be firmly anchored even in hard subfloors
  • all seams are sealed/sealed with special tape to prevent water/moisture penetration
  • high-quality seams - reinforced again in highly stressed areas
  • large, robust zippers allow quick and secure opening/closing
  • high quality waterproof and hydrostatic outer material (210D PU nylon)
  • Hydrostatic head: 10,000 mm

Overview of delivery:

  • Tent including aluminum poles
  • robust tent floor
  • 12 x tent pegs pegs

Note: The loungers are not included in the delivery.

Technical data

Material properties:

  • 210D PU Nylon
  • waterproof, hydrostatic fabric
  • Water column 10,000 mm

Dimensions & Weight:

  • Length: 250 cm
  • Width: 250 cm
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Transport size: 116 x 23 x 23 cm
  • Weight: 6.2 kg

Color: Olive Green

Questions/comments about the product

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